Dear Leadership Broward Community,

Do you have an idea worth spreading?

Have you ever watched a TED talk and thought I can do that?
Do you have insights worth spreading?

Now is your opportunity.  We are hosting a TEDx event in Broward County.

See below for all of the information.  Get your application in as soon as possible.

1640 W Oakland Park Boulevard  Suite 400
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311
Do you have an idea worth spreading? 
Share it with us through TEDxYoungCirclePark
The theme of TEDxYoungCirclePark is “Insights.”
The event will be formed around the concepts of original ideas, challenges, passions, experiences and inspirations.
Define “Insights” in your own terms.
  • Are your insights creatively exploring new innovations and methods?
  • Are your insights preserving the environment in new and innovative ways?
  • Are your insights affecting policies and systems to create a better society?
  • Are your insights helping to understand the human conscious and unconscious mind?
  • Are your insights empowering the marginalized?
  • Are your insights giving you a better understanding of life?
If you answer YES to any of the above questions, we want to hear from you.
Why speak at TEDxYoungCirclePark?
We are committed to creating an event where participants are challenged to communicate their passions in an exciting and engaging dialogue. At TEDxYoungCirclePark, speakers will give the best talk of their lives and will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas.
Don’t worry, we are here to support those who are chosen and make sure they are ready for the challenge.
The format of TEDxYoungCirclePark will allow speakers and attendees to digest and debate the talks and encourage the exchange of ideas and information among all participants.
CLICK to learn more about speaking at
TEDx Young Circle Park
THEME: Insights
VENUE: The Conference Center at Memorial Regional Hospital . 3501 Johnson Street Hollywood, Florida, 33021
DATE: April 21st, 2018. 11:00 am to 4:00pm